工業級嵌入式 Tiny-Bus
四通道影像擷取模塊. 此模塊是基於嵌入式 Tiny-Bu2ks 規格,
使用新一代的高速 PCI Express
總線匯流排, 並整合了四組Conexant BT878A
獨立影像擷取控制器, 提供四組真彩
D1 解析度的影像或圖片無延遲實時輸入.
透過在板整合的 PCI Express 轉 PCI
橋接器, 力安 TBM-1420 同時提供了更高速的總線資料傳輸頻寬,
以及過去泛用的 PCI 總線視頻影像控制器,
使系統集成商能夠在不更動原有軟體的基礎上, 進行硬體升級
, with PCI Express bus interface and four onboard PCI-based Conexant
BT878A video capture controllers. With the better data transfer
bandwidth of PCI Express and embedded Tiny-Bus® modular expansion
solution, the TBM-1420 will be the suitable video and image input
solution based for the x86-based computing applications who need
multiple channel of real time, D1 resolution and 16M true color of
video and image frame quality, such as DVR (Digital Video Recorder),
frame grabber instrument and high performance video capture, mix,
duplication, encoding and streaming server station.
高速 PCI
Express 傳輸總線
The TBM-1420 is based on the high performance PCI-Express bus
interface and offers four 32-bit / 33MHz PCI bus interfaces with an
onboard PCI Express to PCI bridge. The PCI Express bus interface
offers 250MB/s of data transfer bandwidth based on the serial type,
full duplex interconnection, much more than 133MB/s of PCI bus
interface. This feature can solve problem of data bandwidth between
the video input and motherboard for the four channel of real time
video input on multi-channel digital video recorder (DVR)
Easy-Upgradeable Traditional PCI-based Video Capture Controller
To make the upgrade easier, faster and smoothly, the TBM-1420 is
integrated with four popular PCI-based video input controllers, the
Conexant BT878A. With this feature, the system integrators can
upgrade the DVR / video input systems from PCI to PCI Express class,
with the same software based on the same traditional video capture
controller. That is, the TBM-1420 can help the DVR, video input and
frame grabber application to upgrade the data transfer performance
with the same software, don't need to develop a new one.
Onboard Four Channel of Video Input with Real Time, D1 Resolution
and True Color
The TBM-1420 supports four channel of video input with four onboard
video capture controllers with four PCI bus interface from PCI
Express to PCI bridge. Each channel of video input is designed by an
independent video capture controller, and each controller is
designed by an independent PCI bus. This feature makes the benefit
of video input performance for the applications with multiple
channel, real time, D1 resolution and 16M true color of video and
frame image.
Embedded Tiny-Bus® Modular Expansion Solution
The Liantec Tiny-Bus® Modular Expansion Solution is an embedded,
industrial, multiple bus interfaces, small form factor (SFF) and
flexible modular expansion solution for the industrial x86-based
computing platform applications. With the Tiny-Bus® solution, the
TBM-1420 can be installed on the existed embedded motherboard
(EmBoard) with Tiny-Bus® solution within the same form factor of a
single motherboard.
Mini-ITX EmBoards Ready for TBM-1420 Tiny-Bus® Video Capture
The existed embedded motherboards (EmBoards) with PCI Express
interface and Tiny-Bus® solution that support the TBM-1420 Tiny-Bus
PCIe four channel video capture module includes Liantec ITX-6965,
ITX-6945, ITX-6910 and ITX-6900 based on Intel Core 2 Duo, Core Duo,
Core Solo, Pentium M and Celeron M CPU platforms as the list below.
> ITX-6965
Mini-ITX Intel GME965 Core2 Duo Express EmBoard with Tiny-Bus®
> ITX-6945
Mini-ITX Intel 945GME Core2 Duo Express EmBoard with Tiny-Bus®
> ITX-6910
Mini-ITX Intel 915GME Pentium M Express EmBoard with Tiny-Bus®
> ITX-6900
Mini-ITX Intel 915GME Pentium M Express EmBoard with Tiny-Bus®
For the further information about Liantec TBM-1420 Tiny-Bus® PCIe
video capture module, please visit the website at
About Tiny-Bus® Modular Expansion
Modular Expansion Solution features
the multiple bus interface expansibility, shock and vibration proof,
flexible modular expansion solution, space saving integration and
quick, reliable and low cost customized ODM service with x16 PCI
Express or AGP graphics, PCI Express and PCI bus interfaces on the
74.5 x 91.5 mm of daughterboard. With the
Modular Expansion Solution, the
system integrators can build their niche computing system platforms
with the special interface modules, or select the different CPU
platform based on the same interface module to extend the product
line easily, quickly and cost efficiently.
the further information about Tiny-Bus solution, please visit the
website at
關於力安科技 (Liantec)
力安科技 (Liantec) 致力於工業電腦 he
Liantec Systems Corporation
is major in the industrial small form factor PC-based embedded
computing platform and solution with Tiny-Bus modular expansion
solution. With the professional embedded low power EmBoard, thermal
solution, rugged enclosure design and flexible modular
configuration, Liantec provides the standard and customized platform
solution to service the wide range of industrial embedded computing
system solution providers.
關於更多力安科技 (Liantec) 的信息,
(中文) 或
http://www.liantec.com (英文)
力安科技 (Liantec Systems Corporation)
台北縣中和市 23553 連城路 258
號 10 樓之 5
: +886-2-82272189
傳真 : +886-2-82272193
網址 :
(中文) 或
http://www.liantec.com (英文)
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